Zwentendorf provides a hands-on journey through the history of nuclear energy and the plant itself. It is certainly a captivating and intriguing place – as thousands of visitors have confirmed in the last few years.
Guided NPP tours
EVN has been offering free guided tours through the nuclear power plant every Friday since 2010: while the morning is always reserved for schools and universities, the popular afternoon tours are open to everyone. Moreover, interested visitors or groups may also arrange additional tours. Thousands of visitors have been inside the power plant in the last few years. Find more information on our guided tours and how to register here.
Zwentendorf on film
An inactive nuclear power plant with more than 1,000 rooms, technical equipment and no radiation: of course artists draw inspiration from Zwentendorf. The NPP not only hosted fashion shows and music videos but was also the shooting location for feature films: both the German TV film “Restrisiko” and the French-Austrian motion picture “RZ2 – Grand Central” were produced at the nuclear power plant along the Danube.
Find more information on the NPP as a film set here.
The NPP for celebrations
From a conference to music festivals and corporate events: Zwentendorf has been the location of many great ideas, celebrations and festivities.
Room for your ideas
You are planning to shoot a motion picture, organise a corporate event or a fashion show? You are looking for an extraordinary location for your party or the presentation of your latest idea? Please contact us at akw@zwentendorf.com.